af ChaosNavigator
The ultimate defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison.
- 'Bringers of the Dawn', Barbara Marciniak
Our universe may be a Matrix-like computer game designed by aliens, says NASA scientist WELCOME to The Matrix. You've lived here all your life.
- Express UK, 2015
The only reason that I have called this press conference is that no government on earth would release this information. All governments fear panic among their people and think that if people knew the truth and knew some alien intelligent force and power is controlling them, that people would no longer listen to or obey their government.
- Fred Hoyle, 1971
Prison Planet - Reinkarnation som Fælde
Pointen med artiklens undersøgelse - hvis man ellers køber præmisset med reinkarnation - som udgangspunkt, er postulatet, at reinkarnationskredsløbet ikke er naturligt, men kunstigt eller manipuleret af væsener, som holder os i fangenskab, en kosmisk parallel til de jordiske magthaveres fangenskab af mennesker på jorden (en variant af Sci-Fi scripts brugt i uendelighed)
Way out space cadet kosmisk konspiranoia i det følgende, men pointen er: forestillingen om jorden som prison planet, men ikke kun; videre i det ekstreme; at det postulerede efterliv er en fælde, et set-up der blev skabt for lang tid siden, for at narre de nyligt fra kødet frigivne sjæle til at tro, at denne fælde, en kunstigt skabt efterlivsdimension, er en slags kosmisk endestation på 'den anden side', når det i virkeligheden er en begrænsning.
Meningen er, at man skal inkarnere igen og igen for at opnå frihed, genløsning, soning (som aldrig eller sjældent kommer) - mens det i virkeligheden er et slags kosmisk set-up for at narre sjælene til at inkarnere igen, så de ikke kan kuppe ud af det kunstige kredsløb efter døden, men med konstant hukommelsestab blive ved med at inkarnere igen for at tjene de intelligenser/archons/______ som har skabt denne fælde.
Og selv en del af de såkaldt indviede som har bevidsthedskontinuitet (husker angiveligt tidligere liv og dimensionen mellem liv og død) aner heller ikke nødvendigvis, at denne efterlivsdimension ikke er endestationen, men belærer de uindviede om dette kredsløb og efterlivsdimensionen som et uforanderligt Samsara uden at vide, at det er en konstrueret dimension/narresut.
Kredsløbet og reinkarnation er måske virkeligt (men kunstigt skabt eller manipuleret), og hele esoterikken om denne efterlivsdimension/endestation fremstår også sand (intersubjektivt for de såkaldt indviede) og dette reinforcerer derfor falskt mange doktriners lære om dette samsara, som de belærer om som uforanderligt, uden at vide, at den kunstige efterlivs- endestation ikke er en endestation, ej heller 'kosmisk naturlig' men en konstruktion, an afterlife- entrapment.
Denne radikale revisionisme af reinkarnation er oppe at vende i tidsånden. Der er diverse beslægtede kilder til disse forestillinger, men uden at kunne pinpointe andet end nogle få, er der i artiklen 6-7 kilder: Wingmakers, Stuart Wilde, Michael Tellinger, Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, John Lamb Lash, Zen Gardner, Simon Parkes, Wes Penre, m.fl.

"It is brutal to consider that organized religions have fed us lies; clearly, some truth must exist in the vast volumes of human experience with the organization of professional godliness. Yet the idea that the current system of reincarnation is one of enslavement rather than a compassionate, expedited evolution seems apparent, as beings known as “Archons” appear to run the grand reincarnation factory to which we on Earth are reportable."
- The Truth about Reincarnation
Vi taler seriøst high-wacko-strangeness her - way beyond off-planet kosmisk paranoia-parallel-pensum deep-in-the-rabbit-hole labyrint land.
Man må tage in mente at disse beskrivelser/forestillinger skal tages som kosmo-krypto-para-gnostiske psykonaut-ekspeditioner/konceptioner og aflæse disse forestillinger som en art kosmisk antropolog.
Det er meget fremmedartet/fremmedgørende, men man skal nok suspendere al sin mentale rigiditet fra de kategorier af familiaritet, man er vant til fra sin biografi, og gå fulblown plasticitet, når man læser, så man ikke bliver emotionelt forstyrret af det fremmedartede:-), svært...
Uagtet illusioner og den løbske fraktale babelske begrebstårns-forvirring i meget new age bullshit, er jeg sikker på, at mange af disse neo-gnostiske tanker ikke er nye, og at the truth is out there somehow somewhere....
Igen (igen igen); formentlig den eneste længere artikel på dansk om dette emne....

Den første kilde er fra Wingmakers, noget (postuleret) kanaliseret materiale, der efter sigende er noget af det dybeste (eller vildeste off-planet wacko) der eksisterer.
Der er også tvivl om den originale kanalisering er blevet kuppet:
Fra Wingmakers - den .com site som nogle mener er blevet kuppet (den angiveligt oprindelige 'rene' og ufordærvede wingmakers site er her: ):
“.... the Anunnaki created a set of planes or dimensions of experience that was the equivalent of a Holding Plane, that’s what the WingMakers called it, where they could be recycled.”
Sarah: “Recycled… as in reincarnation?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, exactly. This was the basis of reincarnation. It allowed the Anunnaki to recycle the Atlanteans. Some aspects of the implanted functionality were interdimensional, which is to say, it could assist in the delivery of the beings to the proper location within the Holding Planes of consciousness, and assist in their reincarnation back into a new vessel.”...........
.......Many of those who have come to earth as human teachers have tried to reveal how deep and broad and high this illusion has been constructed. It is as far as the edge of the universe and as close as your DNA. Everywhere in between is illusion. Jesus came to reveal much of this, but the writers of the Bible decided what would be acceptable within the paradigm of life as we know it. They elected to make Jesus a part of the deception. They saw it was time for a redefinition of God to accommodate an evolving human 2.0. God was suddenly a loving father, and all of humanity was brother and sister.”
Sarah: “So you’re saying Jesus was aware of this deception, but his words weren’t included in the Bible?”
Dr. Neruda: “Our opinion was that his words were so against the conditioned beliefs that people could not understand them as he said them. And so, over time, they were translated into the form you know them today. The Biblical translations simply lack the original potency with which he said them.
- Fra interview nr. 5 med Neruda (scroll down):
Den anden kilde er Michael Tellinger, der i slutningen af dette interview postulerer, at der er overvældende bevis for, at der i fortiden blev skabt et 'energy grid', et kunstigt energinet, som blev formet omkring jorden, a ' karmic trap', som forhindrer sjælene i at forlade planeten og genforene sig med kilden, hvorfra de kom, men tvinger dem til at komme tiilbage, og at spirituel oplysning ikke er oplysning medmindre man samtidigt erkender, at reinkarnation er en fælde, at dette energy grid ikke er naturligt, at det eksisterer som en kunstigt skabt karmisk fælde.
- Michael Tellinger, Raw Footage youtube (45:12 - har timed klippet)

Michael Tellinger - meget interessant interview
Is our universe FAKE? Physicists claim we could all be the playthings of an advanced civilisation
Physicists say there is a possibility that our world is merely a simulation. They claim there may be evidence of this if only we know where to look
- The Daily Mail, 2015
Den tredje kilde er Stuart Wilde (mine markeringer):
'The teachings about God and the afterlife are
simplistic to the extreme. They are a terrible trap invented
to control you. I’ll talk about that later. Life is a trap. We
live, as I have said in my other books, in a prison created by
our minds and for our minds. In the olden days, it was
called the Reflective Sphere (the Sphere). It’s everywhere. It
is deep inside all our religious teachings and our New Age
philosophies—it is in every spiritual practice that was ever
invented. The stuff you think is holy and good, the very
ideas and practices you think elevate you to the status of
the Chosen One (he who will be saved and risen up), is a
trick, one that ridicules and belittles your sacredness by
trapping you even deeper in the prison of the Sphere—the
prison of your mind....
...Teachings about reincarnation that say we live one
life after the next over eons, suffering pain and confusion
until we eventually reach God and nirvana, are not really
true. I think reincarnation is probably just a spooky idea
invented to stall you. To ensure you don’t become
confident enough to search for the truth'
- Stuart Wilde, God's Gladiators
Stuart Wilde - angiveligt død. 24 September 1946 – 1 May 2013
Fra en af Wilde's personlige Ayahuasca-oplevelser:
A few New Age teachers waffle on about reincarnation but I've never been very convinced, as what they teach seems more about ego-rubs than facts. And the Ayahuasca shamans of South America that I have met admit there is very little about reincarnation in the Aluna. And the Buddhist teaching of a thousand lives on the wheel of fortune and misfortune seems a bit extreme and highly unlikel...And Hindu teaching seems somewhat more accurate but their idea of uppity Brahmins and lowly Untouchables is very snotty indeed, and the idea of incarnating back as a dog or a flea seems a bit silly.
On my first Ayahuasca journey I asked about reincarnation and I was told "It is everywhere." Then I asked to see God and was taken out into space and God turned out to be a vast, orange elliptic shape, like a NFL football. The orange dots were all the human emotions and prayers pleading for help sent in that direction. The cloud of dots was quite diffused, kind of hovering listlessly in space, undelivered parcels of energy; I could see the planet earth through it far in the distance. I found God rather boring and vastly disappointing.
A long time passed and then on my thirty-fourth Aya journey two beings arrived at my side that I called 'purple and blue' as those were the colors they each radiated. They talked to me for four hours about the dimensions of Camelot, and my life and my journey, and my death, and about certain members of the RC I was thinking about at the time. Periodically they said, “Please, ask your questions.” I was so blown away by what they were telling me I didn't have any questions to ask and anyway my brain was not functioning normally as I was deep into my journey.
Finally, embarrassed that I had no questions I said, “Please tell be about reincarnation. What is real and true and what is false.” They said, “Do you think you are ready to know about reincarnation?” To which I answered, “I think so.” They agreed to take me.
Next, I found myself moving backward through many inner space dimensions very quickly, so fast in fact I had little time to comprehend what I saw to either side of me. Then I slowed down a bit and I came upon a dimension of very beautiful geometries, vast oblong boxes and various shapes, and delicate lines. It was all in the distance and I realized that was where reincarnation was settled for the time being, as far as my perspective was concerned anyway.
As I got closer I began to feel the pain of it--billions of women in labor, it was really quite disturbing and then I could feel the pain of people's death--sickness, the wounds of war, accidents, drownings, murder, etc. The agony of cold, lonely deaths mixed with the pain of the human births was a great shock, and then when I saw the pain of all the human evil that reincarnation requires people to try and sort out, it overwhelmed me very quickly. The cycle of birth and death is all to do with evil. If people were not arrogant and evil they would not have to incarnate.
Incarnation is a gift, like a second chance for the hopelessly lost, but it is not the great wonderment of evolution we think it is. That is an idea the ego thought up to make the need for itself reasonable and important. Yes, there are lessons to be learned being a human but they are not lessons that any decent spirit needs.
This is a correctional facility. With a few exceptions, people that don't have crimes don't get sent here. Then again some spirits must incarnate for other reasons to experience Gaia in its natural solid beauty, to serve, to assist a family member make it, and a host of other reasons, but mostly it is all to do with ugliness, agony and pain.
Evil people die in agony and they lose their faculties not because of crime and punishment but because they fall victims of the ghouls that respond to the ghoulishness in them. People walk around with their devilish attachments and those attachments (entities) feed off them and eventually kill them, like a virus might. A virus is just an extension of one or more of the ghouls that created it. Without the ghouls there would be no viruses....
...Many humans only incarnate here once, as their next incarnations are not physical and many humans incarnate up to five times, there is no need for more. The reason is that either people pull out of evil and hell, or they drift ever lower to where they become so ghoulish they are irretrievable, and so after death they can't get out of the Aluna hells they descended into while alive. Now I'm not talking about people like Hitler here, I'm talking about ordinary people like the teacher I mentioned, people that think they are normal. People you meet on planes, say, that might seem pleasant and reasonable when you first speak to them until you discover their silent disdain and hatred and the hidden secrets of their lives.
Remember, I have said before only about six percent of people in the western world are warm and normal, people that have a soul, the rest have no soul, they are all devils, often in disguise, cold, cruel and arrogant. Lawyers, politicians, preachers, gang bangers and stockbrokers, the sellers of pyramid schemes, flimflam merchants, real estate agents, prolific consumers, the killers of animals, and black magicians that don't realize they are black magicians, predators that spread fear and darkness for the thrill of it or, to elevate themselves.
Feeling the pain of billions of births was pure agony and all the billions of lonely, painful deaths really scared me, but the evil of humans and their incarnations and reincarnations was too much karma in motion, watching it only took just a few seconds to make me violently ill. I was shuddering with revulsion. I said to the Beings, “Please get me out of here. I didn't realize reincarnation was just the sum total of pain and evil and the failure to transmute is making me very sick indeed.”
The words had no sooner tumbled from my lips and I was gone out of there, rescued by some kind forces I could not see. I was really rattled, it took me half an hour to recover.
I can see now why reincarnation is kept a big secret from humans, it is all too depraved and disgusting to contemplate, and it would really scare people if they knew chapter and verse in advance. You don't get many chances, and this may be your very last chance. This is a correctional facility, if you remember that it should spur you on a bit.
- Stuart Wilde,

Den fjerde kilde er Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy:
MacElroy var angiveligt en sygeplejerske, der kunne kommunikere telepatisk med et udenjordisk væsen. Den udenjordiske person giver en masse information om menneskets kosmiske historie og om en invasionsstyrke fra en anden galakse, der er ved at befri vores galakse og indføre fri vilje. Invasionen har stået på siden middelalderen. Solsystemet ligger på ruten mellem den anden galakse og Mælkevejens centrum. Jorden er en fængselsplanet, indesluttet i et elektrisk system af fælder, som de ikke har fundet ud af at lukke ned. Det er fælder der fanger folks finstof legeme, der forlader den fysiske krop, når denne dør. Går man i en fælde slettes ens hukommelse ved elektrochok og man sendes tilbage i en ny fysisk krop når en sådan fødes. Kun meget få er undsluppet fælderne. Fælderne viser smukke ting som finstoflegemerne tiltrækkes af som lysende 'honning'-fælder (NB! Dette minder meget om beskrivelser af efterdødstilstande i den Tibetanske Dødebog)
Informationerne er fra 1940'erne og frem og først offentliggjort i 2008 efter MacElroys død. Alle der har forsøgt at offentliggøre historien siges at være omkommet.
Det meste af historien skulle være fra forhørs referater. Da man dræbte rumvæsnet ved et uheld blev papirerne ikke afleveret. Forfatteren af bogen påstår, at dokumenterne er destrueret, så historien kan ikke verificeres ud fra disse. Eneste mulighed for verificering er så et andet sæt kopier fra de relevante myndigheder. Men det sker nok aldrig.
Den galaktiske krig mod imperiet er allerede vundet af føderationen, men ikke alle solsystemer er endnu befriet hvis oplysningerne ellers er sande. Jorden har stadig et problem indtil fælderne deaktiveres, hvis det altså ikke er sket endnu.
- anonym
Uddrag i det følgende og betegnelser/ordforklaring før man læser videre:
IS-BE: Immortal Spiritual Beings
The Domain: den civilisation som rumvæsenet tilhører
'Old Empire': Helt sikkert the bad guys
Mine markeringer:
”Eventually The Domain discovered that a wide area of
space is monitored by an "electronic force field"
71 (Footnote) which controls all of the IS-BEs in this end of
the galaxy, including Earth. The electronic force
screen is designed to detect IS-BEs and prevent them
from leaving the area.
If any IS-BE attempts to penetrate the force screen, it
"captures" them in a kind of "electronic net". The
result is that the captured IS-BE is subjected to a very
severe "brainwashing" treatment which erases the memory
of the IS-BE. This process uses a tremendous electrical
shock, just like Earth psychiatrists use "electric shock
therapy" to erase the memory and personality of a
"patient" and to make them more "cooperative".
This tremendous shock completely wipes out all the memory of
the IS-BE. The memory erasure is not just for one life
or one body. It wipes out the all of the accumulated
experiences of a nearly infinite past, as well as the
identity of the IS-BE!
The shock is intended to make it impossible for the IS-
BE to remember who they are, where they came from, their
knowledge or skills, their memory of the past, and
ability to function as a spiritual entity. They are
overwhelmed into becoming a mindless, robotic non-
After the shock a series of post hypnotic suggestions
74 (Footnote) are used to install false memories, and a false
time orientation in each IS-BE. This includes the
command to "return" to the base after the body dies, so
that the same kind of shock and hypnosis can be done
again, and again, again -- forever. The hypnotic
command also tells the "patient" to forget to remember.
What The Domain learned from the experience of this
officer is that the "Old Empire" has been using Earth as
a "prison planet" for a very long time -- exactly how
long is unknown -- perhaps millions of years.
So, when the body of the IS-BE dies they depart from the
body. They are detected by the "force screen", they are
captured and "ordered" by hypnotic command to "return
to the light". The idea of "heaven" and the "afterlife"
are part of the hypnotic suggestion -- a part of the
treachery that makes the whole mechanism work.
After the IS-BE has been shocked and hypnotized to erase
the memory of the life just lived, the IS-BE is
immediately "commanded", hypnotically, to "report" back
to Earth, as though they were on a secret mission, to
inhabit a new body. Each IS-BE is told that they have a
special purpose for being on Earth. But, of course
there is no purpose for being in a prison -- at least
not for the prisoner.
The Bad Guys, The Old Domain, kan heller ikke lide subversive rebeller:
Any undesirable IS-BEs who are sentenced to Earth were
classified as "untouchable" 75 (Footnote) by the "Old Empire".
This included anyone that the "Old Empire" judged to be
criminals who are too vicious to be reformed or subdued,
as well as other criminals such as sexual perverts, or
beings unwilling to do any productive work.
An "untouchable" classification of IS-BEs also includes
a wide variety of "political prisoners" 76 (Footnote).
This includes IS-BEs who are considered to be noncompliant
"free thinkers" or "revolutionaries" who make trouble
for the governments of the various planets of the "Old
Empire". Of course, anyone with a previous military
record against the "Old Empire" is also shipped off to
A list of "untouchables" include artists, painters,
singers, musicians, writers, actors, and performers of
every kind. For this reason Earth has more artists per
capita than any other planet in the "Old Empire".
"Untouchables" also include intellectuals, inventors and
geniuses in almost every field. Since everything the
"Old Empire" considers valuable has long since been
invented or created over the last few trillion years,
they have no further use for such beings. This includes
skilled managers also, which are not needed in a society
of obedient, robotic citizens.
Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless
economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-
paying worker in the class system of the "Old Empire"
are "untouchable" and sentenced to receive memory wipe-
out and permanent imprisonment on Earth.
The net result is that an IS-BE is unable to escape
because they can't remember who they are, where they
came from, where they are. They have been hypnotized to
think they are someone, something, sometime, and
somewhere other than were they really are.
En af de baser hvorfra denne teknologi til at holde væsener fanget i kredsløbet, er ifl MacElroy lokaliseret på Mars, Cydonia regionen, som blev ødelagt i en atomkrig af rebeller:
...the "Old Empire" base was located a fewMennesket lænket af Arkons på Prison Planet?
hundred miles north of the equator on Mars in the
Cydonia region - side 62 til 65 interessant*
- "ALIEN INTERVIEW - Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by : Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy"
* Hun skriver, at basen på Cydonia blev ødelagt af en krig, muligvis en atomkrig. Dette har været i mainstream for nyligt; en meget respekteret international fysisker har efter mange års undersøgelser konkluderet at Mars blev ødelagt i en nuklear krig ved Cydonia! Se kilderne (Motherboard, Daily Mail, Ibtimes, m.fl.). Vildt bizart.
NB! Desværre tyder meget på, at MacElroy's værk er opfundet af en Scientolog, og at værket er et bedrag. Dette fratrækker dog intet fra de andre kilder, som vedkommende delvist har plagialiseret, og derfor kan forestillingerne godt have meget på sig, selvom det desværre pga. selve plagiatet fejlagtigt indgyder en følelse af guilt by asociation med de andre non-relaterede kilder. Shame on the writer!
But speaking with scientists and philosophers on "Closer to Truth," I realized that the notion that everything humans see and know is a gigantic computer game of sorts, the creation of supersmart hackers existing somewhere else, is not a joke.
- Is Our Universe a Fake?, Robert Lawrence Kuhn,, 2015
Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram
- Nature, 2013
Den femte kilde er John Lamb Lash, frontmanden for den Gnostiske genopvækkelse - en Neo-gnostisk genopvækkelse sker i heftig grad i disse år; specielt ideen om Archons, transdimensionelle væsener som lever af menneskehedens frygt - denne sektion med John Lamb Lash vil blive revideret senere, idet en liste med bullet points om gnosticisme er omstændelig og kompleks. Se The Fallen Goddess Scenario: Summary and Evaluation
John Lamb Lash siger intet kønt om YHVH, som anses for at være lederen af Archons, de intelligenser som bedrager mennesket, og lever af dets negative emotionelle energi:
"Gnostic texts clearly state that Jehovah is the “Lord Archon,” a reptilian type of alien predator who dominates the hive-mentality of the embryonic or Grey aliens. Jehovah, whom the Gnostics called Yaldabaoth, is truly an extraterrestrial being whose realm is the planetary system independent of the earth, sun and moon. He is not an “advanced being” (i.e., more evolved than humans) but a demented alien with certain superhuman or deific powers. Gnostics taught that Jehovah infects humanity with the belief that he is their creator god, but in fact he cannot create anything. The NHC is very clear that Jehovah-Yaldabaoth is the commander of the Archon species. The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia by the Gnostics. If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic."
- Archons
"The God of Abrahamic faith exists, for sure, but he is an insane alien predator bent on deceiving and enslaving humanity—such is the bizarre warning from Gnostic seers in the Mysteries. But how actually do archons affect humankind apart from the nefarious delusions they can engender in our minds? By another vector of influence, they use fakery and simulation to divert our attention from the reality of human potential, the gifts of our species such as rational thinking and imagination, and distract us from the presence of nature and the supernatural power within nature. I have discussed this tactic of counter-mimicry at length in Not in His Image. Ialdabaoth, the Gnostic name for Jehovah, is called the counterfeiting spirit. The Coptic word for simulation, HAL, denotes the signature of the archons who can imitate but not create. They are a mimic species. They imitate our faculties to substitute their mind set for our own, hence living vicariously through us. As Castaneda said, they function as a "foreign installation" in our own minds.
Both on psychological and parapsychological terms, the Gnostic archon profile is truly sophisticated and warrants careful and respectful consideration. It is without doubt the most lucid descriptive paradigm of subliminal mind control produced by the human mind. Dismiss it at your peril.....Karma is a rigged game. Liberation from karma comes first with seeing how it is rigged, how the archontic spin induces auto-suggestion and clouds perception, and then by simply choosing not to play that game. "
- Karma is a Rigged Game : Archontic Influence in Human - John Lash
Nogle mener, at John Lamb Lash fører et polemisk togt mod kristendommen. John Lamb Nash afviser Elaine Pagels tidligere værk, The Gnostic Gospels, fordi hun placerer de gnostiske Nag Hammadi-tekster i kontekst af den tidlige kristendom, hvilket han skriver om 'har forhindret en forståelse af hvem Gnostikerne var, og hvorfor de protesterer så voldsomt mod Kristendommens opståelse.' Lash er i øvrigt ikke, som man umiddelbart ville forvente fra den normalt antagede klassiske gnostiske observans, en transcendentalist som ønsker at flygte fra jorden, men immanist, en observans som søger at hylde det jordiske, at spiritualisere det.
Alexandria-biblioteket var en guldskat af uvurdelig gnostisk viden, og megen gnostisk viden gik tabt, da bibloteket blev brændt, og denne viden er undertrykt lige siden, angiveligt.
Lash's milepæl af en bog, 'Not In His Image', har stærkt imponeret Stanislav Grof, Graham Hancock, Colin Wilson, m.fl.
"Not In His Image is a brilliantly subversive and provocative work of scholarship and passion that overturns everything you ever believed about Christianity. The gnostic mysteries have found a new and eloquent champion in John Lash."
-- Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods
"Not In His Image is a stunning book. It should cause quite a furor. Lash's historical and anthropological erudition are breathtaking."
-- Colin Wilson
Grof om bogen:John Lamb Nash's Not In His Image is a rare achievement, combining impeccable scholarship with remarkable visionary insight. In a breathtaking tour de force, the author provides a profound analysis of the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and their connections to the patriarchal system. He identifies the deep roots of the intrinsic problems of these tree religions, namely perpetrator-victim emphasis and salvationist ideology, and points out their relationship to the alienation and agony of modern humanity.
In my opinion Not In His Image is a book that should be read by every person capable of reading and especially by individuals who identify with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic ideology. In this book John Nash covers many aspects of the wisdom of the ancient world. When referring to the centuries-long Christian cover up and eradication of all evidence of Gnostics and the Mysteries he asks, "What kind of religion, what manner of universal truth, what glowing message of love and forgiveness, needs to make itself known and accepted through destruction of this kind, and on this scale?"
A highly intelligent and very valid question.

Jay Weidner om Gnostikerne og bogen.
Det bliver dog langt mere ekstremt:
Fasten your seat belts - neo-gnostisk exopolitics ahead: Yderligere er der muligvis en forbindelse mellem Archons, de negative væsener som Gnostikerne talte om, og The Greys (Über-clairvoyanten, Bob Moore, sagde i øvrigt, at abductions og The Greys, ikke var et indbildt fænomen, ej heller gjorde John E. Mack).
Jeg spurgte John Lamb Lash om følgende film, hvortil han svarede:
"I know about it. Nichols contacted me when he put it out, years back. We corresponded for a while. Not bad, but he wobbles all over the place. I have no control over such developments."
Dette svar betyder, at Lash må anse filmen for at indeholde betragteligt store sandheder, og at han ikke skrotter det hele, omend han siger, at instruktøren hopper rundt i det.
Her er filmen af Nichols, som også giver et godt overblik over den gnostiske skabelsesfortælling, Sophia, Archons, m.m. - og selvom filmen er high strangeness, er introen på en aparte måde en af de bedre fortællinger om neo-gnostikernes/gnostikernes verdensbillede, kosmologi, (en opsummering af Lash's fund er svær at give i bullet point form - denne sektion bliver senere revideret):
Visualisering:Sophia skaber jorden (klik for forstørrelse)
'Gnostics were not only alert to the intrusion of the Archons, they were also acutely aware of the possibility of humans becoming totally "Archontized." This threat appears to have emerged in a particularly alarming way in that era to which Philip K. Dick often refers: the first century of the Common Era, when the Incarnation of Christ is said to have occurred, according to Christian belief. Both the time and the place where Archontic molding of human character set in strongly are specified in the Nag Hammadi texts. In his Gnostic view of the human condition, Dick assumed that the spiritual life of humanity was arrested at that moment. It is as if the behavior of those "who exist as the type of Archons" locked into place in that era, and came to dominate all subsequent centuries - until the moment in 1945 when the Nag Hammadi texts were discovered.'
- The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion, John Lamb Lash
Forbløffende ekstrem udtalelse af Fred Hoyle:On May 10, 1971 the renowned astronomer Fred Hoyle (1), the incumbent Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Theoretical Philosophy at Cambridge University, a position he had held since 1958, convened a small press conference to make a most unusual announcement.
“Human beings are simply pawns in a great game, being played by alien minds, which control mankind’s every move. These alien minds come from another universe, one with five dimensions. Their laws of chemistry and physics are completely different from ours. They have learned to shatter the time-space barriers that restrict us. These super-intelligent entities are so different from us that to apprehend them or to describe them in human terms is impossible. These entities seem to be totally free from physical restrictions such as bodies, and they are more like pure intelligence. They seem to have the ability to be anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds. These aliens are everywhere – in the sky, on the sea, on earth. They have been here for countless eons and they have probably controlled the evolution of homo sapiens. All of what man has built and become was accomplished because of their ‘tinkering’ of the intelligent forces.”
Professor Hoyle went on to say “The only reason that I have called this press conference is that no government on earth would release this information. All governments fear panic among their people and think that if people knew the truth and knew some alien intelligent force and power is controlling them, that people would no longer listen to or obey their government.”
Certainly this is a most stunning pronouncement of disclosure from a former pillar of the scientific community, one that would most certainly have ended his career one would imagine. On the contrary, the following year Fred Hoyle was knighted by the Queen and was also the recipient of the most illustrious Royal Medal (also known as the Queen’s Medal) from the Royal Society ‘In recognition of his distinguished contributions to theoretical physics and cosmology’
- Human Beings Are Simply Pawns in a Great Game Being Played by Alien Minds
A number of physicists have put forward the radical theory that our universe is a fake and we’re all part of a computer simulation depicting what life was like in 2015. According to the scientists, the year is actually 2050 and the Earth has been taken over by robotic overlords who are using humanity as playthings in their virtual game.It sounds pretty bonkers, but some scientists are taking the “simulation argument” very seriously indeed, and they reckon they can actually find evidence to support their assertions. Robert Lawrence Kuhn, writer and host of ‘Closer to Truth,’ recently explored the theory in an in-depth report featured on He notes that, according to Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, the scenario played out in the film ‘The Matrix’ could be a reality.
- Universe Could Be Fake And We’re All In The Matrix, Say Scientists, 2015
We Are Living In A Hologram Designed By Aliens, Says NASA Scientist

'Despair' - mennesket prisgivet astrale kræfter og archons?
Den sjette kilde er fra Zen Gardner og Simon Parkes, m.fl
'Det er mange gange blevet sagt at vores verden styres af kriminelle bankfolk, som styrer politikerne.
Det er også blevet sagt, at verden styres af Arkons, sorte loger, frimurere, satanister, pædofile magtfolk, etc.
At i toppen af kontrol-pyramiden finder man væsener, som dyrker satanisme og sort magi, af værste art
At den fysiske verden egentligt er et fatamorgana, en illusion som binder os.'
- anonym (dette sorte narrativ er fællesnævner for manges verdensbillede idag)
Rudolf Steiner om det samme tema:Steiner takes us behind the scenes .. to reveal a dark world of secret elitist brotherhoods that are attempting to control the masses through the forces of economics, technology, and political assassinations. These hidden groups, he explains, seek power through the use of ritual magic and suggestion....... Steiner has no doubt these secret brotherhoods are anti-Christ and says so plainly and without ado........the truth is most people will not believe what’s happening today on the political horizon. The forces that are at work behind the scenes are as old as the battle between good and evil themselves.
- omtale af Secret Brotherhoods
'Ifl. Zen Gardner-linket, styres verden af kræfter, som er højere end den 3-dimensionale verden vi normalt beskæftiger os med. De styrende kræfter er trans-dimensionelle, og tilhører et højere åndeligt plan. De styrende kræfter [Archons] ligger på et plan, uden for vores fysiske verden, hvor de fanger sjælene, når folk dør, giver dem en gang hjernevask og tvinger dem til endnu en reinkarnation. Hvis man ikke er tilstrækkeligt åndeligt udviklet, så vil man blive bondefanget af det falske lys, når man dør, og bliver snydt af de væsener, der møder en efter døden (fx Sankt Peter), og bliver sendt tilbage til endnu et liv på jorden som lønslave, hvor man får serveret en hjernevask i fjernsynet, etc. som vil skabe en masse negative emotioner, som de styrende kræfter kan høste som negativ mental energi, hvilket er god næring for dem.
Ifølge artiklen holdes vi som lønslaver på denne planet, hvor vores mange negative emotioner høstes som en energikilde af de negative kræfter, der styrer planeten.
For at frigøre sig, er det nødvendigt at blive bevidst om reinkarnationerne, om karma og den slags.'
- anonym

Artiklen fra Zen Gardner; 'The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is.
The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.......However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light …
The Soul Net Relies on the Trick of the White Light
We have been told through various sources that the white light at death is something to head towards...Yet what if, as David Icke, Wayne Bush and others have suggested, the white light at death – and light itself (in this context) – is the trick? What if light is the source of the deception?...In presentations such the video above, Parkes also mentions the trick of the white light and the soul net.'
- Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?

? ? ?
Det klare lys efter døden bliver nævnt i den Tibetanske Dødebog som en frelse, men ifølge postulaterne foroven, kan lys åbenbart være en del af et bedrag for at sende sjælene i arkontiske fælder. Den Tibetanske Dødebog advarer dog mod at blive tiltrukket af visse lys i efterdødstilstanden, men hvad er hvad? Og er det muligt, at organiserede religioner har indkorporeret en doktrin om livet efter døden med vildledende instruktioner i favør for Arkons, som forhindrer sjælene i at forlade planeten?'The Light and Tunnel trap is a relatively new device, but one that will fail and they now know this. 'Go into the Light' say those who have had near death experiences. They are the salespersons chosen to advertise this alien venture. NEVER enter that light. Go up, left, back, right or anywhere but there.'
- Tricked By The Light
En Anglerfish bruger lys som lokkemad for lokke ofre som æde til sig
"The Third Bardo
In the third bardo the soul encounters the Lord of Death, a fearsome demonic deity who appears in smoke and fire, and subjects the soul to a Judgment. If the dead person protests that he has done no evil, the Lord of Death holds up before him the Mirror of Karma, "wherein every good and evil act is vividly reflected." Now demons approach and begin to inflict torments and punishments upon the soul for his evil deeds. The instructions in the Bardo Thodol are for him to attempt to recognize the Voidness of all these beings, including the Lord of Death himself; the dead person is told that this entire scene unfolding around him is a projection from his own mind. Even here he can attain liberation by recognizing this.
Bardo-stadier og dimensioner (klik for forstørrelse)
The soul who is still not liberated after the Judgment will now be drawn remorselessly toward rebirth.
The lights of the six Lokas will dawn again; into one of these worlds the soul must be born, and the light of the one he is destined for will shine more brightly than the others. The soul is still experiencing the frightening apparitions and sufferings of the third bardo, and he feels that he will do anything to escape from this condition. He will seek shelter in what appear to be caves or hiding-places, but which are actually the entrances to wombs. He is warned of this by the text of the Bardo Thodol, and urged not to enter them, but to meditate upon the Clear Light instead; for it is still possible for him to achieve the third degree of liberation and avoid rebirth.
Finally there comes a point where it is no longer possible to attain liberation, and after this the soul is given instructions on how to choose the best womb for a favorable incarnation. The basic method is non-attachment:to try to rise above both attraction to worldly pleasures and repulsion from worldly ills.
The final words of the Bardo Thodol are: "Let virtue and goodness be perfected in every way."
"Be not fond of the dull smoke colored light from hell."
- Tibetan Book of the Dead
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Near-Death Experiences
Kan lys i efterdødstilstande være et arkontisk bedrag for at lure sjælene ind i en fælde?
Alle dogmer i denne tid bliver tilsyneladende genstand for intens undersøgelse og revision, og den berømte tunnel efter døden, lyset, osv. er åbenbart ingen undtagelse.
En researcher, Wes Penre, råder til at undgå lyset og tunnelen, se den anden vej (man har 360 graders syn på den 'anden side', så ordet 'se' rækker ikke i vor forståelse), og bevæge sig væk fra tunnelen, at tunnelen er et sofistikeret hologram, at den vil fade væk, når man først har overvundet denne illusion.
'The only thing I advise everybody to do is to avoid the Tunnel and the Light'- Wes Penre

Flammarion engraving - Flammarion popularized the notion of beings that were genuinely alien. This belief in extraterrestrial life, Flammarion combined with a religious conviction and emphasis upon the transmigration of souls. Man he considered to be a "citizen of the sky".
Herefter vil man se et net som en slags utydelig barriere med åbninger - ikke ulig en schweizerost. Man skal bevæge sig gennem et af disse huller eller åbninger (direkte i modstrid med rådet fra den Tibetanske Dødebog; 'He will seek shelter in what appear to be caves or hiding-places, but which are actually the entrances to wombs. He is warned of this by the text of the Bardo Thodol, and urged not to enter them, but to meditate upon the Clear Light instead'), hvorefter man kommer ud på den anden side.
Hvis dette lykkes har man undsluppet fælderne, simulationen, hologrammet, The Matrix, fængslet, og står frit ude i et univers, som er langt større og anderledes end det man hidtil har været vant til, fordi man nu har gennembrudt barrienen, nettet, 'The Grid'.
Hvad man vil opleve udenfor barrieren/nettet er typisk overvældende og imponerende - sandsynligvis vil man se universet som det virkeligt er, og man er nu fri til at rejse derhen man vil.
- læs mere fra Wes Penre

'I believe that the tower in the Sinus Medii is at least one soul collector....After you die you go to a collector and your life, your pitiful life is reviewed with you. Then you come back for another try. You have to learn to live without envy, hate or greed or you ain't getting off this planet...' - herfra
"Earth is a place for souls to develop, until we learn how to live without envy, hate or greed. Until we learn that, we keep reincarnating." - herfra
- John Lear, über-legendarisk CIA pilot, UFO researcher, [nogle anser Lear for at være disinfo agent]
Kosmisk konspiranoia eller begrundet revision? You decide. Buddha udtalte selv følgende:
"Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi du har hørt det. Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi det tales og rygtes af mange. Tro ikke på noget, blot fordi det er fundet skrevet i jeres religiøse bøger. Tro ikke på noget alene på autoritet fra dine lærere og ældre. Tro ikke på traditioner, fordi de er blevet overleveret i mange generationer. Men efter observation og analyse, når du opdager, at noget er i overensstemmelse med din fornuft og er befordrende for det gode og til gavn for alle og enhver, så accepter det og lev op til det.'
Alt dette er postulater i læringskurven med interessante fællespunkter, anomalier - der er ikke et umiddelbart entydigt facit i denne encyklopædiske twilight zone, og i mangel på direkte okkulte evner og clairvoyant indsigt, direkte fænomenologiske OBE og off-planet komparative erfaringer, etc. er der kun corroborating evidence, observationer, komparativt materiale, intuition, logik og analyse tilbage. Det kan man formentlig få en hel del ud af..........
Dette meme som omhandler jorden som prison planet og reinkarnation som kunstig skabt kredsløb med faldgruber, eksploderer åbenbart i tidsånden:
Is Reincarnation A Trap?
How To Exit The Reincarnation System
Has The Archonic Reincarnation Trap Been Dissolved?
Exposing the Reincarnation Deception: Your Soul is Enslaved
The Misunderstood Matrix of Karma, Reincarnation, and Soul Contracts

Trumans Exit fra The Truman Show
Nogle få andre kilder:
Mere research

Hvis man synes, at dette er for negativt, foruden at forekomme vildt psykotisk, så kunne det alternativt tænkes; at ikke blot på jorden er tingenes tilstand langt mere negative og underfundige end de fleste opdager (og det er også formålet hos dem som har lavet systemet), men perversiteteten stopper ikke der, men fortsætter ifl. dette meme også på det bizarre post-hume plan, og angiveligt af samme grund at få kan tåle at se sandheden om verdens tilstand, og endnu værre; hvis man hidtil troede, at døden var en form for udfrielse, for blot (ikke) at erkende, at det også er et kosmisk fængsel, må det være den næsten fuldendte dystopi.
“To make a contented slave.... it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason.’ This is why the slaveholders must control what slaves hear and see and think. This is why reading and critical thinking are dangerous, indeed subversive, in an unjust society.”
― Carl Sagan
Krishnamurti, Osho, m.fl. udtaler sig ofte uhyggeligt negativt om tilstandende tusinder af gange, og i et meget kaustisk sprog. Er det fordi de er 'negative' eller fordi det, som de beskriver er negativt, og at de ønsker at befri mennesker? Det kan tænkes, at de oplyste ser det negative fordi de selv er meget lysende og vågne, og derfor, qua kontrastprincippet, kan se, at sovende mennesker affinder sig med uvidende ufrihed, maskeret slaveri.
Igen: Den lykkelige slave gør de oplyste bedrøvede. Det er ikke til at udvikle en kritisk teori om den sociale virkelighed, hvis folk er tilfredse under omstændigheder, som burde opleves som dybt utilfredsstillende.
“No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced in a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them. They will like to live in freedom. Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically. They are inseparable, and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian — no society — would like people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous — dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the ‘haves’; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations. In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. But he cannot sell his life, he cannot serve them. He would like rather to die than to be enslaved.
Death will not matter much to him, but he cannot sell his life to all kinds of stupidities, to all kinds of stupid people. He cannot serve them. Hence, the societies down the ages have been supplying you with false knowing. That's the very function of your schools, colleges, universities. They don't serve YOU, remember, they serve the past, they serve the vested interests. Of course, they go on puffing your ego up bigger and bigger, they go on giving you more and more degrees. Your name becomes longer and longer, but only the name -- you go on becoming shorter and shorter. A point comes where there are only certificates and the man has disappeared. First the man carries the certificates, then the certificates carry the man. The man is long dead. ”
~ Osho
Hvis Wingmakers, Stuart Wilde, Michael Tellinger, John Lamb Lash, Zen Gardner m.fl. har ret, så er denne artikels narrativ ikke nihilistisk, defaitistisk, etc. men tilstandende er, og at det vender sig i en er fuldt ud forståeligt. Derimod er en affinden sig med tingenes tilstand sort, og ikke at gøre oprør, er vederstyggeligt in extremis.
He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can live amidst injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
― St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Happy slaves are the bitterest enemies of freedom
- Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach
I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves
- Harriet Tubman
It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished... Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so'
- Bertrand Russell
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
- Goethe
"Down there on that earth, there were tyrants denying freedom to man, ideologists shaping the mind of man, priests with their centuries of tradition and belief enslaving man; the politicians with their endless promises were bringing corruption and division. Down there man is caught in endless conflict and sorrow and in the bright lights of pleasure. It is all so utterly meaningless the pain, the labour and the words of philosophers. Death and unhappiness and toil, man against man.
This complex variety, modified changes in the pattern of pleasure and pain, are the content of man's consciousness, shaped and conditioned by the culture in which it has been nurtured, with its religious and economic pressures. Freedom is not within the boundaries of such a consciousness; what is accepted as freedom is in reality a prison made somewhat liveable in through the growth of technology.
In this prison there are wars, made more destructive by science and profit. Freedom doesn't lie in the change of prisons, nor in any change of gurus, with their absurd authority. Authority does not bring the sanity of order. On the contrary it breeds disorder and out of this soil grows authority.
We spend so much money on educating our children; we give them so much care; we become deeply attached to them; they fill our lonely lives; in them we find our fulfilment, our sense of continuity. Why are we educated? To become technological machines? To spend our days in labour and die in some accident or with some painful disease? This is the life our culture, our religion, has brought us.
Every wife or mother is crying all over the world; war or disease has claimed the son or the husband. Is love attachment? Is it tears and the agony of loss? Is it loneliness and sorrow? Is it self-pity and the pain of separation? If you loved your son, you would see to it that no son was ever killed in a war. There have been thousands of wars, and mothers and wives have never totally denied the ways that lead to war. You will cry in agony and support, unwillingly, the systems that breed war. Love knows no violence.
Violence is everywhere, among the highly educated and the most primitive, among the intellectuals and the sentimentalists. Neither education nor organized religions have been able to tame man; on the contrary, they have been responsible for wars, tortures, concentration camps and for the slaughter of animals on land and sea. The more he progresses the more cruel man seems to become. Politics have become gangsterism, one group against another; nationalism has led to war; there are economic wars; there are personal hatreds and violence. Man doesn't seem to learn from experience and knowledge, and violence in every form goes on.
The energy that has gone into the accumulation of knowledge has not changed man; it has not put an end to violence. The energy that has gone into a thousand explanations of why he's so aggressive, brutal, insensitive, has not put an end to his cruelty The energy which has been spent in analysis of the causes of his insane destruction, his pleasure in violence, sadism, the bullying activity, has in no way made man considerate and gentle. In spite of all the words and books, threats and punishments, man continues his violence.Violence is not only in the killing, in the bomb, in revolutionary change through bloodshed; it is deeper and more subtle. Conformity and imitation are the indications of violence; imposition and the accepting of authority are an indication of violence; ambition and competition are an expression of this aggression and cruelty, and comparison breeds envy with its animosity and hatred. Where there's conflict, inner or outer, there is the ground for violence. Division in all its forms brings about conflict and pain.
You know all this; you have read about the actions of violence, you have seen it in yourself and around you and you have heard it, and yet violence has not come to an end. Why? The explanations and the causes of such behaviour have no real significance. If you are indulging in them, you are wasting your energy which you need to transcend violence. You need all your energy to meet and go beyond the energy that is being wasted in violence. Controlling violence is another form of violence, for the controller is the controlled. In total attention, the summation of all energy, violence in all its forms comes to an end. Attention is not a word, an abstract formula of thought, but an act in daily life. Action is not an ideology, but if action is the outcome of it then it leads to violence.
It had been a hot, dry summer with occasional showers; the lawns were turning brown but the tall trees, with their heavy foliage, were happy and the flowers were blooming. The land had not seen such a summer for years and the farmers were pleased. In the cities it was dreadful, the polluted air, the heat and the crowded street; the chestnuts were already turning slightly brown and the parks were full of people with children shouting and running all over the place. In the country it was very beautiful; there is always peace in the land and the small narrow river with swans and ducks brought enchantment. Romanticism and sentimentality were safely locked up in cities, and here deep in the country, with trees, meadows and streams, there was beauty and delight. There's a road that goes through the woods, and dappled shadows and every leaf holds that beauty, every dying leaf and blade of grass.
Beauty is not a word, an emotional response; it is not soft, to be twisted and moulded by thought. When beauty is there, every movement and action in every form of relationship is whole, sane and holy. When that beauty, love, doesn't exist, the world goes mad.
On the small screen the preacher, with carefully cultivated gesture and word, was saying that he knew his saviour, the only saviour, was living; if he was not living, there would be no hope for the world. The aggressive thrust of his arm drove away any doubt, any enquiry, for he knew and you must stand up for what he knew, for his knowledge is your knowledge, your conviction. The calculated movement of his arms and the driven word were substance and encouragement to his audience, which was there with its mouth open, both young and old, spellbound and worshipping the image of their mind. A war had just begun and neither the preacher nor his large audience cared, for wars must go on and besides it is part of their culture.
On that screen, a little later, there was shown what the scientists were doing, their marvellous inventions, their extraordinary space control, the world of tomorrow, the new complex machines; the explanations of how cells are formed, the experiments that are being made on animals, on worms and flies. The study of the behaviour of animals was carefully and amusingly explained. With this study the professors could better understand human behaviour.
The remains of an ancient culture were explained; the excavations, the vases, the carefully preserved mosaics and the crumbling walls; the wonderful world of the past, its temples, its glories. Many, many volumes have been written about the riches, the paintings, the cruelties and the greatness of the past, their kings and their slaves.
A little later there was shown the actual war that was raging in the desert and among the green hills, the enormous tanks and the low-flying jets, the noise and the calculated slaughter; and the politicians talking about peace but encouraging war in every land. The crying women were shown and the desperately wounded, the children waving flags and the priests intoning blessings. The tears of mankind have not washed away man's desire to kill. No religion has stopped war; all of them, on the contrary, have encouraged it, blessed the weapons of war; they have divided the people. Governments are isolated and cherish their insularity. The scientists are supported by governments. The preacher is lost in his words and images.
You will cry, but educate your children to kill and be killed. You accept it as the way of life; your commitment is to your own security; it is your god and your sorrow. You care for your children so carefully, so generously, but then you are so enthusiastically willing for them to be killed. They showed on the screen baby seals, with enormous eyes, being killed.
The function of culture is to transform man totally.
If you lose touch with nature you lose touch with humanity. If there's no relationship with nature then you become a killer; then you kill baby seals, whales, dolphins and man either for gain, for `sport', for food or for knowledge. Then nature is frightened of you, withdrawing its beauty. You may take long walks in the woods or camp in lovely places but you are a killer and so lose their friendship. You probably are not related to anything, to your wife or your husband; you are much too busy, gaining and losing, with your own private thoughts, pleasures and pains. You live in your own dark isolation and the escape from it is further darkness. Your interest is in a short survival, mindless, easygoing or violent. And thousands die of hunger or are butchered because of your irresponsibility. You leave the ordering of the world to the lying corrupt politician, to the intellectuals, to the experts. Because you have no integrity, you build a society that's immoral, dishonest, a society based on utter selfishness. And then you escape from all this for which you alone are responsible, to the beaches, to the woods or carry a gun for `sport'.You may know all this but knowledge does not bring about transformation in you. When you have this sense of the whole, you will be related to the universe.
It is only man that brings disorder to the universe. He's ruthless and extremely violent. Wherever he is he brings misery and confusion in himself and in the world about him. He lays waste and destroys and he has no compassion. In himself there is no order and so what he touches becomes soiled and chaotic. His politics have become a refined gangsterism of power, deceit, personal or national, group against group. His economy is restricted and so not universal. His society is immoral, in freedom and under tyranny. He is not religious though he believes, worships and goes through endless, meaningless rituals. Why has he become like this cruel, irresponsible and so utterly self-centred? Why?
There are a hundred explanations and those who explain, subtly with words that are born out of knowledge of many books and experiments on animals, are caught in the net of human sorrow, ambition, pride and agony. The description is not the described, the word is not the thing. Is it because he is looking for outward causes, the environment conditioning man, hoping the outer change transforms the inner man? Is it because he's so attached to his senses, dominated by their immediate demands? Is it because he lives so entirely in the movement of thought and knowledge? Or is it because he's so romantic, sentimental, that he becomes ruthless with his ideals, make-beliefs and pretensions? Is it because he is always led, a follower, or becomes a leader, a guru?
The good is not the opposite of the evil. It has never been touched by that which is evil, though it is surrounded by it. Evil cannot hurt the good but the good may appear to do harm and so evil gets more cunning, more mischievous. It can be cultivated, sharpened, expansively violent; it is born within the movement of time, nurtured and skilfully used. But goodness is not of time; it can in no way be cultivated or nurtured by thought; its action is not visible; it has no cause and so no effect. Evil cannot become good for that which is good is not the product of thought; it lies beyond thought, like beauty. The thing that thought produces, thought can undo but it is not the good; as it is not of time, the good has no abiding place. Where the good is, there is order, not the order of authority, punishment and reward; this order is essential, for otherwise society destroys itself and man becomes evil, murderous, corrupt and degenerate. For man is society; they are inseparable. The law of the good is everlasting, unchanging and timeless. Stability is its nature and so it is utterly secure. There is no other security."
- Uddrag fra Krishnamurti's Journal

There is a way to escape the trap of the light and it's vampires. The hamster wheel of reincarnation can stop in one lifetime. That's all for now.