Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
This unusual moon is the only object in the Solar System which we might seriously regard as an alien signpost - a natural object deliberately modified by an advanced civilization to attract our attentionA shorter english variant on Iapetus (PDF).
- Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen (the latter, the NASA discoverer of “the face on Mars!”)
Følgende er rimelig diskontinuert og fragmentarisk men er ekstremt sjældne betragtninger (historisk set intet mindre end den første artikel på dansk om anomalierne på Iapetus og Saturns hexagon var kendt for tusinder af år siden. Check selv det sædvanligt ufatteligt apatiske DK her).
Krypto-konspiranautisk-esoterisk silversurfer expedition i det følgende - fasten your seat belts, cause Kansas is going bye-bye:
Iapetus, Saturns ottende måne - det måske mest mystiske objekt i vort solsystem.
Ligesom vores måne vender den altid kun den ene side mod Saturn, dens inklination er også sindssyg (15% som den eneste). Den har den mest perfekte cirkulære orbis i solsystemet med en excentricitet som kun er 0.00283, mindre end 3%, den eneste anden cirkulære orbis i solsystemet er vor måne, som afviger med 6%, det dobbelte af Iapetus. Iapetus' bjergryg hæver sig 20 km over overfladen i en lige linje omkring dens ækvator over tusind kilometer. Naturen producerer ikke sådanne lige linjer, men ikke nok med det; den har parallelle linjer, 1 på hver side, dvs. 3 i alt. Kurvningen af Iapetus formet som en valnød går imod konstansen; loven om tyngdekraftiens udnivellering af objekter på den størrelse - den burde ikke være formet som en valnød (den bliver kaldt ' The Walnut' af NASA i øvrigt), m.m.m.

Dette giver et hint om de ekstreme vanvittige anomalier - en liste - MUST SEE:
"In terms of anomalies Iapetus is loaded! ....Nowhere is objectivity in modern science so clearly challenged as in the case of the wildly eccentric moon of Saturn,"
- The incredible feature of having one hemisphere black and the other white,
- The intriguing anomalous inclination and nearly perfect circular orbit,
- The unique geometrical (hexagonal) shape of the satellite,
- The strange surface features and the low radar reflectivity,
- The low density of the overall satellite, combined with the higher density of the surface – in particular the equatorial ridge which rises up 12 miles above the surface of Iapetus
- The three, parallel bands arcing around Iapetus’ surface and parallel to the equatorial ridge.
Se listen: Iapetus - Halexandria
Selv National Geographic tripper over Iapetus:
Saturn's Moon Wears the Weirdest Mountain Range in the Solar System

Iapetus' Ying-Yang feature - skyldes ikke lyset
da den ene side er mørk, den anden lys.

Iapetus - markant afvigende i sin bane - i modsætning til alle andre objekters elliptiske bane, er banen næsten perfekt cirkulær, har 15 graders inklination, og flere millioner kilometers afstand til Saturn - alle karakteristika gør den unik
Iapetus is based on a geometric design. It is ‘the same geometry that defines a geodesic dome, a replicating tetrahedral pattern.’ LOOK AT THE ANGLED HORIZON.
- Incredible Iapetus
Iapetus igen (det ene med farvefilter) - hvad minder dette jer om?
Virkeligheden overgår SciFi - Dødsstjernen fra Star Wars og Iapetus side om side - you couldn't make this up:

Synkromystiscisme, insider viden eller tilfælde?
En Kryptonautisk kommentar, Clarkes insider viden, Saturn-kulten
"The “Cult of Saturn” does not want the soylents to find out the secret….meaning Saturn is the key…as well as it’s moons (mainly Iapetus). NASA has been charged with the concealment of Saturn, it’s moons…as well as Mars and its moon Phobos.
NASA is run by the offspring of the paper clip Nazis….they are members and minions of the “Cult of Saturn”.- fra kommentar til anmeldelse om Jupiter Ascending. Hans website om Saturn kulten og den sorte kube: http://www.nicholson1968.com/nicholson1968s-post/saturn-worshipthe-black-cube
Humans from antiquity could see the rings of Saturn, because the planet was much closer to earth millions of years ago. The Lord od the Rings movie is referencing the Archons (which purportedly hail from Saturn and it’s moons)
Stanley Kubrick was trying to tip people off about Saturn more than once in his movies, but was forced to use Jupiter to direct attention away from Saturn. The black monolith in his 2001 space oddity is a reference to the black hexagonal cube at the north pole of Saturn.
There are no coincidences in the 3rd density….because it is controlled by creatures from the 4th and 5th density.
The Archon creatures that bring destruction everywhere are worshipped by the Syndicate, the Crypto-Jews, and the Vatican’s Death Cult.
There will be plenty of mind control operations going forward. Regardless of whether or not the Archons from Saturn are here now or will be returning to claim the earth/human prize….the “Cult” will continue to pour their derision upon humanity by hitting on all fronts. These movies are meant to leave people flat-footed and desensitized for the transhumanism and mutation they are planning for the soylents.
When you see Jupiter….it is a substitute for what the “Cult” is afraid you will see and investigate (Saturn)"
The Cult Of Saturn - Windows On The World - Zen Gardner
The Stanley Kubrick Conspiracy - Part 7: Saturn and the Black Cubes
The Nazi Conundrum | Saturn Death Cult
"If Dolan is right, there is one that we may call, for want of a better term, the Anglo-American Intelligence-Military complex. And if I am right, there is at least one other that we may call the Nazi or Fascist International."
- the breakaway civilization: richard dolan
“Did Arthur C. Clarke have access to secret knowledge? It is speculated that some of hollywood's best writers, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have been privy to accessing secretive occult knowledge. In other words: not all of their ideas are original. It is interesting that Arthur C. Clarke wrote about an alien monolith on Saturn's Moon Iapetus, at a time in the 1960's when NASA knew very little about this moon.”
Fra Wikipedia:
"In Arthur C. Clarke's novel 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), astronaut Dave Bowman finds an enigmatic alien monolith waiting for him on the surface of Iapetus (referred to as "Japetus" throughout). Iapetus's two tone coloration is caused by a vast white ellipse on the moon's surface, with the monolith appearing as a black dot in its exact center. When the Voyager space probes arrived at Iapetus thirteen years later, they discovered that there was indeed a black region within the moon's brighter hemisphere. Clarke reports that Carl Sagan, who was on the Voyager imaging team, sent him a photo, with the note "Thinking of you ...".[3]."
Arthur C. Clarke's bog forudsagde det mørke område på Iapetus' lyse side 20 år før NASA bekræftede det i 1980 (derfor Sagans kommentar), hvilket er en umulighed, og hans bog, '2001', var Iaepetus-monolitten et centralt tema, men i Stanley Kubricks filmatisering erstattede man Saturn med Jupiter, og i SciFi-filmen 'Jupiter Ascending' er det igen spækket med Saturn-symbolik.
'Bowman spends months on the ship alone, slowly approaching Iapetus. During his approach, he gradually notices a small black spot on the surface of Iapetus,...When Bowman approaches the monolith, it opens and pulls in Bowman's pod. Before he vanishes, Mission Control hears him proclaim: "The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it's full of stars!"
- Wikipedia om '2001: A Space Odyssey', uddrag
It is a well-known cliché that “Nature doesn’t usually create straight lines.” If that is true, then it certainly doesn’t create three of them (close-up-below) – all running parallel, not only to each other, but to the literal equator of the planet.
- Moon with a View; Or, What Did Arthur Know...and When Did He Know it? 1
Moon with a View: Or, What Did Arthur Know … and When Did He Know it? 2
Saturns Nordpol
Men, det bliver mere svimlende - nyligt billede af Saturns nordpol:

Saturns nordpol - gif med farvefiltre:

Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth
Fantastisk farvefilter-billede:
Og så fandt jeg dette for nogle år siden - mindblowing - Here comes the shocker (klik for at forstørre):

Bogen er den mest autoritative bog om progressionen af historisk astronomisk viden gennem tiderne. Et genoptryk fra 20'erne
Ifl. Richard Hoagland (eller Hoaxland) var denne Hexagon-anomali på Saturn kendt af NASA siden 70'erne (som angiveligt var hush-hush dengang), men hvordan kunne Kaldæerne vide, at Saturn var associeret med en hexagon? Og for tusinder af år siden?
Hexagonen på Saturn kan ikke engang ses med Hubble teleskopet (pga. ekliptika), kun med rumfartøjer over dens nordpol!
Iapetus viser hexagon geometri:'why is Iapetus’ shape approximate a hexagonal geometry?'
- Iapetus - Halexandria
Nogen - for tusinder af år siden - må have haft en avanceret viden/metode, for ikke engang idag kan man se Saturns enorme hexagon med teleskoper, kun med rumfartøjer/space probes. Første gang var med Voyager i slut-halvfjerdserne, anden gang med Cassini i 00'erne.
Men hvordan kunne Kaldæerne vide det? Medmindre man påstår, at det er et tilfælde.
Den eneste kilde på nettet (som jeg kan finde), som attesterer, at jødiske og arabiske kilder via Kaldæerne for tusinder af år siden gav attibutten, en hexagon til Saturn, er fra en 2010 reproduktion af en bog fra 1923 som oprindeligt er fra 1833.
Sammen med det faktum, at Iapetus har fysiske egenskaber, som trodser forklaringer om, at den hverken er naturlig skabt i hht. konstanter og naturlove eller menneskeskabt (medmindre man vil definere 'mennesker' som havende levet for milliarder af år siden, og med en teknologi, der får vores nutidige til at se ud som håbløst latterlig og dybt primitiv), og at den på makroplan har hexagonale faste 'klippe'-strukturer (i modsætning til den flydende Hexagon på Saturn), gør det kun mysteriet endnu vildere. Enten var det tidligere forsvundne hyperavancerede civilisationer fra jorden, som er milliarder af år gamle eller en extraterrestrial intelligens, som kunne gøre dette stunt.
En tredje mulighed for denne viden om Saturns hexagon er okkult: astral travelling, remote viewing. Det sidste forklarer bare ikke Iapetus' ekstreme anomalier eller oprindelse.
Kan ikke finde andre kilder på nettet, så jeg mener det er eksplosivt, et næsten ukendt novum af dot-connecting, omend nogle få sikkert er bevidste om det, men det må være meget meget få, for jeg kan intet finde på nettet andet end denne bog foreløbigt:
Fra Amazon.com: An Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Astronomy: With Plates Illustrating, Chiefly, the Ancient Systems Paperback – 3 Jan 2010
by John Narrien (Author)
Her er afsnittet igen fra Google books
Her om bogen fra Amazon:
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
Det elektriske univers er sandsynligvis det rigtige paradigme, og det er muligt, at mange myter refererer til ancient knowledge, ikke det 'indre' verdensrum:
Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie - YouTube
thunderbolts.info | A voice for the Electric Universe
Selv Joseph P. Farrell gør ironisk grin med de nye teorier om Iapetus, da videnskaben ikke kan forklare det: YOU CAN RELAX NOW: THAT MYSTERIOUS EQUATORIAL RIDGE ON IAPETUS IS FINALLY “EXPLAINED…”
Tip of the iceberg.....
Ancient Civilizations, Lost Knowledge - kort intermezzo:
More than 350 artifacts were found in Ecuador in an old tunnel system. One artifact in particular shows the same pyramid with an all-seeing eye at the top of it (right). Under a black light, the eye takes on an interesting hue while on the bottom of this artifact (see picture below), you can see a star map of Orion’s Belt along with writing that is older than any known writing on this planet. According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has been found all over the world, proving that there was a pre-existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit writings.
9. Why do all history classes exclude this information?
We are seeing a continuing theme involving Orion’sBelt.
The pyramids on the Giza Plateau also reflect the exact same alignment as the “3 Kings” of Orion’s Belt.
10. What visitors came to this planet from Orion’s Belt?
11. What is the significance of the Orion’s Belt constellation?
Professor Kurt Schildmann, former President of the German Linguistic Association, called this writing “pre-Sanskit” (older than 6,000 years old) and was able to translate the writing as follows:
“The son of the creator comes.”
- 20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School
Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History Is Wrong
Klerksdorp Kuglerne
Så er der ligheden med Klerksdorp kuglerne, som er fundet i Afrika, kæmpe anomali i sig selv; de er 2.8 milliarder år gamle, kan ikke ridses med stål, indeholder materiale som disintegrerer i kontakt med luft, har 3 parallelle linjer ækvatorialt, og der er også en rund fordybning over ækvatorlinjen, og ser derfor meget ud som....drumroll...: Iapetus!
"At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn't occur naturally.
Some have a thin shell about a quarter inch thick, when broken open are filled with a strange spongy material that disintegrates into dust upon contact with air.
The manufactured metallic spheroids have been mined out of a layer of pyrophyllite rock and geologically and by the various radio-isotope dating techniques are shown as being 2.8 - 3 billion years old, long before man.
.... A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator. The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years old.
[p. 813, Forbidden Archeology]
"One of the most compelling arguments for artificiality of these perplexing spheres is a set of three (!) parallel grooves around their “equators (above); that -- and the equally remarkable hardness of the (currently unknown) material from which they are made."
The most astonishing, if undisputed fact (because of the highly specific dating of the pyrophyllite rock layers in which these “spheres" were found) is their extraordinary age: 2.8 billion years!

Kosmisk humor - Dødsstjernen fra Star Wars, Iapetus, og Klerksdorp kugler side om side
Some years ago, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson published a voluminous compendium of startling examples of additional “lost archaeological knowledge, in a landmark work entitled Forbidden Archaeology. Here’s one reviewer’s description:
“Over the past two centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. But the scientific establishment has ignored these remarkable facts because they contradict the dominant views of human origins and antiquity. Cremo and Thompson challenge us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny. Forbidden Archeology takes on one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first step towards a new perspective [emphasis added].…”
One of the most remarkable examples of potential ancient artifacts published by Cremo and Thompson were hundreds of “small, grooved spheres mined in South Africa. According to Roelf Marx, curator of the Museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are housed:
“The spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth's history when they came to rest in this rock no intelligent life existed. They're nothing like I have ever seen before (Jimison 1982).
One of the most compelling arguments for artificiality of these perplexing spheres is a set of three (!) parallel grooves around their “equators (above); that -- and the equally remarkable hardness of the (currently unknown) material from which they are made .
Again, Roelf Marx:
“… they are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs' scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago. On the other hand the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel [emphasis added] ."
But, that isn’t the most remarkable part of this story.
Other images of these mysterious “metallic spheres in the Klerksdorp Museum (below) reveal an even more astonishing, precise resemblance to none other than the Cassini close-ups of the anomalous eighth satellite of Saturn, Iapetus!
Again, we do not have room to debate the full details of Crick and Orgel’s panspermia theory. What we do have is brand new evidence, which they did not possess
That provides a stunning new line of research into their seminal idea.
Because -- parked in a unique “base 60 orbit, around the most spectacular “hyperdimensional planet of this solar system -- is an apparently ancient, geometrically altered world battered almost beyond recognition. Astoundingly -- a billion miles away, buried deep within this planet -- lie a set of miniature counterparts ... from a long, long time ago .
This stark “coincidence now demands serious investigation!
Saturn's Iapetus: A Moon With a View - The Enterprise Mission
We're All Made of Stars
Memet i tidsånden, at vi er kommet fra stjernerne , er meget oppe at vende disse dage:
Richard Dawkins, scientismens selvbestaltede ypperstepræst + de religiøse, Vatikanet og Jesuitterne :
"For example, consider what evolutionist Richard Dawkins told Ben Stein during an interview for the movie “Expelled“…
BEN STEIN: What do you think is the possibility that Intelligent Design might turn out to be the answer to some issues in genetics or in evolution?
RICHARD DAWKINS: Well, it could come about in the following way. It could be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved, probably by some kind of Darwinian means, probably to a very high level of technology, and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet. Now that is a possibility, and an intriguing possibility. And I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer.
.....Investigative reporter Tom Horn has discovered that some top Vatican scholars are also into this kind of thing…
Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race? Does Consolmagno and/or other Jesuits secretly hold that the “Virgin Birth” was in reality an abduction scenario in which Mary was impregnated by ET, giving birth to the hybrid Jesus? As incredible as that sounds, you should prepare for the unexpected answer as this series unfolds.
All this would seem impossible theology if not for the fact that other high ranking Vatican spokespersons—those who routinely study from the “Star Base” (as local Indians call it) on Mt. Graham—have been saying the same in recent years. This includes Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”), [iv] and the current Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.
- Are we being prepared that extraterrestrial seeded life on earth
Stephen Hawking - fra stjernerne til jorden og ud igen?:
'Colonize planets to save the human race ... - RT.com
Astronomical discovery: 'Super Saturn' with rings 200 times as large - CNN.com
Final word; det slår mig at Klerksdorp-kuglerne i sig selv - bortset fra den eklatant eerie lighed med Iapetus - er et figurativt afbillede af den eneste planet i solsystemet, som har den mest distinkte og massive ring omkring sig... by far; Saturn....måske er det at strække den, men generelt; der er jo legio af karakteristika som ude i landskabet ikke passer med de hævdvundne modeller (landkort) i denne sag, mildest talt.....
Der kan ikke være tale om falsk associativ tænkning qua observation af stærke afvigelser fra de forventede konstanter, o.a. - komparativt. Hvis præmisserne (karakteristika, anomalier; Klerksdorp, Iapetus, Saturn, osv.) er korrekte, er det chokerende.
Hvis dette rabbit hole er sandt, er det svimlende...og jeg taler ikke for Ancient Astronaut Theory nødvendigvis (der er megen manipulation - en af mine venner er ven med Carol Rosin, så jeg er ikke fremmed overfor problematikken), men blot Ancient Civilizations....
Is it true...?
A massive and apparently permanent swirling ‘eye’ storm two-thirds the diameter of the Earth has been recorded at Saturn’s southern pole (Fig 193).
Eye-storms had not previously been found anywhere other than the Earth. There is also a permanent hexagon storm the size of two Earths at Saturn’s northern pole which has confounded scientists (Fig 194). The hexagon completes a rotation every 10 hours 39 minutes and 24 seconds – exactly the same
period of Saturn’s very powerful radio emissions. The hexagon is a ‘flat’ version of a six-sided cube as is made very clear in the image of a crop circle that appeared in England in 2012 (Fig 195). The cube just happens to be an ancient symbol of Saturn. Islam, as with Christianity, Judaism and many other Archon-inspired religions, covertly worships Saturn and so its focus of worship at Mecca is a black cube, or the Kaaba which literally means cube (Fig 196). The symbol of the cross, which was used as a focus of worship way before Christianity claimed it for its own, is another geometrical expression of the hexagon/cube. The cross is, like the hexagon, a flattened out cube (Fig 197).
The hexagon/cube is also expressed as the six-pointed hexagram, or Star of David. The six-pointed star is an ancient symbol of Saturn and the origin of the name Rothschild ‘Red-Shield’ (or ‘Red-Sign’ in German) after the red hexagram on their house in Frankfurt, Germany (Fig 198). The Satanist Saturnist) Rothschilds were called Bauer before they changed their name to one representing this major symbol of Saturn. The symbol is now on the flag of Rothschild-created Israel, a prime vehicle for the Archon manipulation of human society (Fig 199). The eye, cube and hexagram are all symbolsof Saturn and all used profusely by the Archon networks within human society and their secret societies, religions and Satanists? This is all coincidence??
Knowledge of symbols and what they are and what they do is crucial to understanding how human society is being manipulated by the Archontic force. I have listed only a few headlines here in relation to Saturn, but I will be going much deeper into symbolism and its effect. Enough to say now that Saturn is
generating very powerful sound waves via radio waves and if you put ‘sounds of Saturn’ into YouTube you will be able to hear the eerie, guttural, satanic-sounding broadcasts that Saturn emits, as recorded by the Cassini mission. What you will actually be listening to is the sound of the Matrix. The hexagon and eye storms at Saturn’s poles are permanent because of the repeating sound emissions which are causing them to form in sync with the sound waves. They will remain until the sound changes. I have been highlighting since the 1990s the significance of a sound phenomenon known as cymatics in which sound is played across particles on a metal plate and the particles form into amazing geometrical shapes to reflect the vibration and resonance of the sound.
When you change the sound the formations change to reflect the new vibrational ‘matrix’ and again if you put cymatics into YouTube you will see many examples of this at work ( Fig 200).
When the sound is turned off the particles just lie there in random piles. The hexagon at Saturn’s North Pole, as with its geometrical expressions, the hexagram and cube, are all manifestations of a certain sound frequency which Saturn emits. Sounds and symbols are different manifestations of the same frequency. The sound is the symbol and the symbol is the sound. So by placing Saturn symbolism all around us the Archons are constantly broadcasting the sound – information – from Saturn into the planetary and human energy
fields. They are doing this directly from Saturn, but the symbols underpin its effect on human perception. I found a cymatics video on YouTube in which the sounds were constantly and very quickly changing and therefore so were the symbols being created; but by freezing the frames I was able to isolate, as ‘coincidence’ would have it, symbols of the hexagon and hexagram or sixpointed
star (Fig 201). These were created by sound waves because those symbols are holographic reflections of those sound waves – thus the symbols of Saturn emit Saturn vibrations and sound (information) beyond the frequency of the human five senses. They are holographic expressions of the Matrix (Fig 202). Standing waves are well named because they are waves that ‘stand’ or stay the same so long as the sound or flow that is keeping them constant remains the same. This is what we see with the phenomena of Saturn and its rings and eye and hexagon storms. They are standing waves, of which
more later (Figs 203 and 204)
- Perception Deception, Icke, book 1 PDF (fra ca. side 170?)
Beklager de manglende fig. og fotos
Fra Icke's bog 1 om Iapetus:
More and more questions are being asked about the origin of the Saturn moon, Iapetus, discovered in 1671 by astronomer and astrologer Giovanni Domenico Cassini. Iapetus follows an orbit some two million miles from Saturn. It is Saturn’s third-biggest moon, the eleventh-biggest in the solar system and a place of mystery and anomaly – just like Earth’s Moon. One side of Iapetus is ‘as dark as asphalt’ and the other ‘as white as snow’ and this is caused by the duel nature of the surface, not reflected light (Fig 217). There is also an incredible and unexplained ‘wall’, or ridge, up to 12 miles high (Mount Everest is 5.5 miles) and 124 miles wide which bisects Iapetus for 800 of its 900 mile diameter almost exactly along the equator (Fig 218).
The ridge has led to Iapetus being dubbed the ‘walnut’, but no explanation is given for what caused this ridge to form.
Nothing like this can be found on any other moon of the solar system and researcher Richard Hoagland rightly said on his website enterprisemission.com: ‘There is no viable geological model to explain a sixty thousand-foot-high, sixty thousand-foot-wide, four million-foot-long “wall” ... spanning an entire planetary hemisphere ... let alone, located in the precise plane of its equator!’ There are also clearly non-natural rectangular and square box-like structures scattered over thousands of square miles in the area where the light side meets the dark side (Fig 219). Iapetus has hexagonal craters just as Saturn has its hexagon polar storm.
The Iapetus ‘moon’ is constructed with straight ridges or planes and is a flattened out or squashed shape rather than a sphere. It unusually orbits Saturn in very nearly a circle (our Moon is not that far off either) and it always shows the same face to Saturn (as our Moon always shows the same face to Earth). I have been saying for some years that Earth’s Moon is akin to the Death Star featured in the Star Wars movies of Cabal insider, George Lucas. The Death Star was a construct within which lived Darth Vader, the symbolic ‘fallen angel’ dressed in pitch black – classic colour symbolism for Saturn. This is made even more interesting when you consider the remarkable likeness between the Death Star and Iapetus and the same applies to the Death Star and Mimas,
another moon of Saturn (Fig 220). Richard Hoagland, a long-time researcher of space anomalies and NASA deceit, wrote:
Once the (amazing) possibility is admitted that Iapetus could be an artificial ‘moon’ – and may have been deliberately inserted
into such an odd orbit – the ‘coincidental’ nature of its unique, steep inclination (relative to the other similar-sized Saturnian
moons – Dione, Rhea, etc.) goes away. But, equally ‘coincidental’ is the shape of Iapetus’ inclined orbit ... and its precise
distance from Saturn. Iapetus’ orbit is extremely close to being circular -- with an eccentricity of only 0.0283 – departing from a perfect circle by slightly less than 3%. (By comparison, our Moon’s orbital eccentricity – a body that mainstream planetologists now propose was born from a similar theorized ‘collision’ – is 0.0549 or – 6% ... essentially twice as eccentric as Iapetus. For an almost circular, very high inclination orbit to have formed through ‘random chance’ is really pushing coincidence – if the agent for achieving that low eccentricity and the high inclination is supposed to be the same ‘random’ collisional event, back when Iapetus was forming.
I suggest that Iapetus is another camouflaged spacecraft with the inhabitants living inside and not on the surface – just as with the Death Star and the Earth’s Moon. So many themes of the story can be found in Hollywood scripts such as the 2012 movie Prometheus which was named after a mythical Archon ‘hero’ and this is also the name of another Saturn ‘moon’. The film featured a group of humans sometime in the ‘future’ visiting a far-off moon to find the extraterrestrial race said to have created humans and you could see clearly in the sky a body that looked exactly like Saturn. The badge of the crew also featured Saturn (Fig 221). The film was extremely reptilian in theme with a human researcher aborting a reptilian child and the final shot of the film featuring a reptilian entity as the punch line (Fig 222).
The moon featured in the film is supposed to be in the Zeta Reticula system which is the alleged home of the classic ‘Grey’ aliens. Director Ridley Scott said that he had been inspired by the writings of Swiss author Erich von Daniken, the pioneer of the theme of ancient aliens visiting Earth, but the constantly misleading theme is that humans were created by the non-human entities we are talking about. They were not. The human body was distorted, rewired and programmed, but not created from scratch. Hollywood in general is preparing people for what is planned – the unveiling of the true masters if we allow the global police state to reach a point of full lockdown. There has been speculation for some time that Phobos, a moon of Mars, may not be what it seems either (Fig 223). Dr Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky, a Russian astrophysicist, is reported to have said in 1959 that Phobos could be an artificial satellite in view of its strange orbit and indications that it could be hollow. Raymond H Wilson Jr, Chief of Applied Mathematics at NASA, said in 1963 that ‘Phobos might be a colossal base orbiting Mars’ and that this possibility was being considered by NASA. More recently, in 2010, the Mars Express, a European spacecraft, took a series of close-up pictures ofPhobos and the BBC’s The Sky at Night programme reported that ‘Phobos is lighter than it should be, could be hollow, and its composition is not like any asteroids or meteorites that we know of’. How many of Saturn’s moons are constructs and ‘spacecraft’ rather than natural phenomena? In fact, I ask the same question about other bodies, too."

Artistisk gengivelse af Iapetus
This scene simulates a shot taken in low orbit over Saturn's moon Iapetus, looking down at a string of domed settlements built along the mighty equatorial ridge that runs along a large part of the moon's circumference.
This mysterious feature was only discovered as late as 2004 by the Cassini spacecraft, taking photos of the moon from orbit, and it is as of yet unknown how it came to be. It is about 1,3 thousand kilometers long, 20 kilometers wide and at places has peaks rising more than 20 kilometers above the surrounding plains. The area shown in this shot is however, not one of the tallest parts of the ridge, as I wanted to show the moon from a place from where Saturn is visible. As is the case with most moons, Iapetus is tidally locked to its parent planet, resulting in Saturn always being in the same place in the sky.
This was the first shot I made for the film, inspired by Kim Stanley Robinssons novel "2312" in which he describes a large urban area built along the ridge of Iapetus. The shot is almost built entirely in CG using various maps and photos from the NASA JPL photojournal as reference. Saturn in the background is a photo from the Cassini spacecraft (NASA/CICLOPS) but I don't know exactly when it was taken.
Again, I may have taken some artistic liberties here in making the city domes nearly unbelievably huge. The dome on the large city in the distance would be over 1 kilometer tall compared to the scale of the landscape. Now, the gravity on Iapetus is only a fraction of the Earths, so such structures like these would indeed be possible. It's just that there might take some time before we see such interest in living on Iapetus that there is need to build cities for millions and millions of people.
However, as a final note, Iapetus is one of very few moons around Saturn that has an orbit not entirely aligned to the plane of the rings, so, while on most other moons you would only see the rings as a mere stripe, from Iapetus you would see them in their full glory. So when it comes to amazing views, Iapetus would make for some highly valuable real estate.
I recommend turning to the wikipedia site for more reading on Iapetus, for example about its unique "yin/yang" coloring, being almost entirely white on one side, and dark brown on the other... '
Wanderers. Why Erik Wernquist's short movie is so amazing
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