mandag den 31. oktober 2016

Danmark Scorer Højest i Cancer - Ingen Præsident Får Det

af ChaosNavigator

Cancer, Cancer Everywhere … But Not In The Presidential Suite

A recent list published by the World Cancer Research Fund International shows that Denmark leads the pack in terms of cancer rates....
..Statistically, since cancer is listed as cause of death in roughly ¼ of all deaths, one might logically expect that one quarter of the US Presidents and one quarter of the US Vice Presidents, to pick one example, would have cancer listed as cause of death. With 44 Presidents and 47 Vice Presidents, one might think that somewhere in the realm of 24 or so might have succumbed to cancer. However, there are none. Zero. Zilch.

Hmm, hvorfor mon? Se Cancer kan helbredes - Cancerkure undertrykt gennem årtier og Sygdomsindustrien og Helbredelsen - en samtale med Doktor Carsten Vagn-Hansen

Any intelligent person knows that people who are steeped in the profit of cancer will never give up those profits, even if it means making sure people stay sick and diseased. (Your suffering is no concern to them. They need profits!)
- The 20 biggest cancer lies we’re told by the cancer industry

Døds-aktionærvælde too big to fail, nail, jail, regerer ustraffet mens almindelige mennesker straffes for at helbrede...and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care:

UPDATE: Justitsmord på Claus - Indespærret For At Redde Menneskers Liv

Moffe hjælper kræftsyge med cannabis: Nu risikerer han 10 års fængsel
Claus ’Moffe’ Nielsen og hans kone er blevet varetægtsfængslet og sigtet for fremstilling og salg af cannabis

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