Another short sample of absolutely wild and truly revolutionary trailblazing news brought to you by 'ChaosNavigator'. Be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative! Wow!

Ex-CIA Super Spook: All the preconditions for revolution are now present in the United States and Britain. The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer Earth

Banned and Prohibited Books in Modern Times - RT's Breaking The Set
An interview with NYU media studies professor, Mark Crispin Miller, about five historical books that have been actively suppressed and hidden from the American public.
Central Banks in Other Countries to Require Biometrics to Bank
TED Talks: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest
What Did the White House Know? Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq?
Today’s head-scratcher: How could a two-mile long column of jihadi-filled white Toyota Land rovers barrel across the Syrian border into Iraq–sending plumes of dust up into the atmosphere –without US spy satellites detecting their whereabouts when those same satellites can read a damn license plate from outer space? And why has the media failed to inquire about this massive Intelligence failure?
Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie
Previous civilizations - more than 400 million years old. Darwinism a pathetic joke!
The scandal of fiddled global warming data. The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record
Magnetic Field Weakening --- POLE SHIFT -- announced by ESA
The Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from radiation from space, is getting weaker. We don't yet know why this is, but new evidence confirms it is happening unevenly across the planet with some areas getting more protection.
VaccineGate: 30 years of Secret Meetings, Conflict of Interests, Dubious Science
Vaccines not only did not save us from disease, but indeed immersed us into it.
85% of measles outbreak victims already received vaccinations
Breakthrough - Cure for Aids, herpes, Hepatitis, and all other viruses.
Ha, there are cures which have been suppressed for decades.
Huffington Post: Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months!
According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol.
Illuminati Human Sacrifice Denver Friday June 20-21 8pm
Cheney: Another 9/11 Coming, But ‘Far Deadlier’

Senators Shocked After Classified Briefing....USA Is To Be Attacked
Pesticides linked to honeybee decline are affecting other species, scientists say

Shining More Light On Jesse Ventura’s Disinformation Campaign With Geoengineer Ken Caldeira
US Embassy In Berlin Offering Cold, Hard Cash For People To Create Pro-TAFTA/TTIP Propaganda
DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms
The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State
You can now pee on Barack Obama’s face (and the White House isn’t very happy about it)
Is The Fed Trying To Create A “Bond Run” Panic? Yes… In Its Own Words
Central Banks Are Secretly Buying Up the World's Corporations
Germany's End-the-Fed Organizers Get Car Fire Bombed - Police Won't Investigate!
Uh, oh - Pirate Radio Station for $55 Could Help Decentralize Big-Telecom - The End to Media Monopoly Mindfuck of Your Brain
The Military Now Has X-Ray Guns
We Are What We Eat – The poisoning of our food supply
Advocates of splitting California into six states gathering signatures
Mobile Phone Radiation Confirmed to Damage Cells: Study
The Anatomy of Cyborg Man - Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind
Money is Our God! Tom Simmons Comedy
Exposed: Gov’t Claims Right to Extrajudicial Killing of US Citizen
Israel Launches Air Strikes In Syria
United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists
SHOCK Government Contract: Homeland Security Solicited Bids for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” In January
Covert Black Ops - Into the Abyss – Secret Underground And Underwater Bases
Secret Mars Colony in Existence - Wilder Than Philip K. Dick: Total Recall Reality?
Evidence of a Secret Colony on Mars has sparked the interest of UFO Researchers around the world. Recent whistle-blower revelations from President Eisenhower's great granddaughter and others give renewed credence to the evidence that planet Mars is being prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY in the face of imminent catastrophic events that may decimate the population of planet Earth. This film presence the best evidence available that there is indeed Life on Mars.
Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.
Now it's also quite interesting to note that Notorious hacker Gary McKinnon mentioned that he came across a list of military personnel under the category "non-terrestrial officers" which could allude to the idea of the military having a presence on other planets. His story would corroborate with Ben rich's claim. Gary mckinnon's testimony was even featured on the msm
Alien Agenda IV: Alien Ultimatum or Final Warning ?
Has a Final Warning been delivered by a benevolent Alien ET group that the Super-elite Oligarchs running Planet Earth must quickly clean house or suffer a Final Judgment/Cosmic Reset?Several top inside sources, including Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff have claimed that a very serious message was delivered to Super-elite Oligarchs.
Jim Stone's Commentary: Are extra terrestrials issuing warnings to the elite?
Lots of web sites including Veterans Today have made this claim. And I doubt it.
My official view where an alien false flag threat might be used to sucker the people now that everything else has failed is below in the confidential false flag phone call transcript: Confidential False flag phone call transcript
Mass UFO Sighting Over L.A. Captured In HD! Mulitple UFOs June 2014

Ex-CIA Super Spook: All the preconditions for revolution are now present in the United States and Britain. The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer Earth

Banned and Prohibited Books in Modern Times - RT's Breaking The Set
An interview with NYU media studies professor, Mark Crispin Miller, about five historical books that have been actively suppressed and hidden from the American public.
Central Banks in Other Countries to Require Biometrics to Bank
TED Talks: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest
What Did the White House Know? Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq?
Today’s head-scratcher: How could a two-mile long column of jihadi-filled white Toyota Land rovers barrel across the Syrian border into Iraq–sending plumes of dust up into the atmosphere –without US spy satellites detecting their whereabouts when those same satellites can read a damn license plate from outer space? And why has the media failed to inquire about this massive Intelligence failure?
Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie
Previous civilizations - more than 400 million years old. Darwinism a pathetic joke!
The scandal of fiddled global warming data. The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record
Magnetic Field Weakening --- POLE SHIFT -- announced by ESA
The Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from radiation from space, is getting weaker. We don't yet know why this is, but new evidence confirms it is happening unevenly across the planet with some areas getting more protection.
VaccineGate: 30 years of Secret Meetings, Conflict of Interests, Dubious Science
Vaccines not only did not save us from disease, but indeed immersed us into it.
85% of measles outbreak victims already received vaccinations
Breakthrough - Cure for Aids, herpes, Hepatitis, and all other viruses.
Ha, there are cures which have been suppressed for decades.
Huffington Post: Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months!
According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol.
Illuminati Human Sacrifice Denver Friday June 20-21 8pm
Cheney: Another 9/11 Coming, But ‘Far Deadlier’

Senators Shocked After Classified Briefing....USA Is To Be Attacked

Pesticides linked to honeybee decline are affecting other species, scientists say

Shining More Light On Jesse Ventura’s Disinformation Campaign With Geoengineer Ken Caldeira
US Embassy In Berlin Offering Cold, Hard Cash For People To Create Pro-TAFTA/TTIP Propaganda
DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms
The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State
You can now pee on Barack Obama’s face (and the White House isn’t very happy about it)
Is The Fed Trying To Create A “Bond Run” Panic? Yes… In Its Own Words
Central Banks Are Secretly Buying Up the World's Corporations
Germany's End-the-Fed Organizers Get Car Fire Bombed - Police Won't Investigate!
Uh, oh - Pirate Radio Station for $55 Could Help Decentralize Big-Telecom - The End to Media Monopoly Mindfuck of Your Brain
The Military Now Has X-Ray Guns
We Are What We Eat – The poisoning of our food supply
Advocates of splitting California into six states gathering signatures
Mobile Phone Radiation Confirmed to Damage Cells: Study
The Anatomy of Cyborg Man - Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind
Money is Our God! Tom Simmons Comedy
Exposed: Gov’t Claims Right to Extrajudicial Killing of US Citizen
Israel Launches Air Strikes In Syria
United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists
SHOCK Government Contract: Homeland Security Solicited Bids for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” In January
Covert Black Ops - Into the Abyss – Secret Underground And Underwater Bases
Secret Mars Colony in Existence - Wilder Than Philip K. Dick: Total Recall Reality?
Evidence of a Secret Colony on Mars has sparked the interest of UFO Researchers around the world. Recent whistle-blower revelations from President Eisenhower's great granddaughter and others give renewed credence to the evidence that planet Mars is being prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY in the face of imminent catastrophic events that may decimate the population of planet Earth. This film presence the best evidence available that there is indeed Life on Mars.
Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.
Now it's also quite interesting to note that Notorious hacker Gary McKinnon mentioned that he came across a list of military personnel under the category "non-terrestrial officers" which could allude to the idea of the military having a presence on other planets. His story would corroborate with Ben rich's claim. Gary mckinnon's testimony was even featured on the msm
Alien Agenda IV: Alien Ultimatum or Final Warning ?
Has a Final Warning been delivered by a benevolent Alien ET group that the Super-elite Oligarchs running Planet Earth must quickly clean house or suffer a Final Judgment/Cosmic Reset?Several top inside sources, including Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff have claimed that a very serious message was delivered to Super-elite Oligarchs.
Jim Stone's Commentary: Are extra terrestrials issuing warnings to the elite?
Lots of web sites including Veterans Today have made this claim. And I doubt it.
My official view where an alien false flag threat might be used to sucker the people now that everything else has failed is below in the confidential false flag phone call transcript: Confidential False flag phone call transcript
Mass UFO Sighting Over L.A. Captured In HD! Mulitple UFOs June 2014
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