by ChaosNavigator
NB! Will Be updated later
See also Flux series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - mind-boggling beyond-insanity changes
Forest fires heading for Chernobyl nuclear plant – Ukraine Interior Ministry
Comment: Greenpeace: consequences would be comparable to the accident at Fukushima
Baltimore Stuation Far Worse Than Even Shown in Lamestream - Raw Footage Tells

Baltimore enforces night-time curfew, ‘essentially 24 hours per day’ for youth
12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask
Why did the Baltimore riots seem like they were perfectly staged to be a television event?

Six LARGE US Cities Federalize their Police Force, Minneapolis Min.; Fort Worth TX; Pittsburgh PA; Stockton California; Birmingham AL;Gary IN
Comment: For those of you who are on Fluoride, or are just a little slow, when the Federal Government Funds and Controls the Policies, Training and Actions of your State, and City Police, they are then working Directly for the Empire/New World Order and you will be treated as the Enemy Rebels
Turning America into a Battlefield: A Blueprint for Locking Down the NationBy John Whitehead. Constitutional and civil rights attorney, and founder of the Rutherford Institute.
3 NSA Whistle-Blowers Say U.S. Is ALREADY a Police State … Other Government Officials Agree
Negative interest rates put world on course for biggest mass default in history
More than €2 trillion-worth of eurozone government bonds trade on a negative interest rate. It's a bubble that is bound to end badly
Dollar Vigilante Warns of September 2015 Crash: “There Are a Lot of Things Going On… a Lot of Crazy Things”
11 Signs That We Are Entering The Next Phase Of The Global Economic Crisis
Egypt Preparing Large Assault Against ISIS in Libya Despite threat of retaliation From Obama
Useful idiots and the limits of propaganda

US-backed Azov battalion crucifies and burns man alive in Ukraine
The Mark: Will You Wear This “Beast Tech” Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?
NASA May Have Accidentally Created a Warp Field
Did NASA Mistakenly Create a Warp Field?
Did NASA Just Accidentally Produce A Warp Bubble? EmDrive Could Lead To Warp Drive
ALERT NEWS Today's Weather and Earthquake UpdateSun Erupts, Beautiful CME S0 News April 29, 2015
More Men than Women Raped In U.S.
NB! Will Be updated later
See also Flux series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - mind-boggling beyond-insanity changes
Forest fires heading for Chernobyl nuclear plant – Ukraine Interior Ministry
Comment: Greenpeace: consequences would be comparable to the accident at Fukushima
Baltimore Stuation Far Worse Than Even Shown in Lamestream - Raw Footage Tells

Baltimore enforces night-time curfew, ‘essentially 24 hours per day’ for youth
12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask
Why did the Baltimore riots seem like they were perfectly staged to be a television event?

Six LARGE US Cities Federalize their Police Force, Minneapolis Min.; Fort Worth TX; Pittsburgh PA; Stockton California; Birmingham AL;Gary IN
Comment: For those of you who are on Fluoride, or are just a little slow, when the Federal Government Funds and Controls the Policies, Training and Actions of your State, and City Police, they are then working Directly for the Empire/New World Order and you will be treated as the Enemy Rebels
Turning America into a Battlefield: A Blueprint for Locking Down the NationBy John Whitehead. Constitutional and civil rights attorney, and founder of the Rutherford Institute.
3 NSA Whistle-Blowers Say U.S. Is ALREADY a Police State … Other Government Officials Agree
Negative interest rates put world on course for biggest mass default in history
More than €2 trillion-worth of eurozone government bonds trade on a negative interest rate. It's a bubble that is bound to end badly
Dollar Vigilante Warns of September 2015 Crash: “There Are a Lot of Things Going On… a Lot of Crazy Things”
11 Signs That We Are Entering The Next Phase Of The Global Economic Crisis
Egypt Preparing Large Assault Against ISIS in Libya Despite threat of retaliation From Obama
Useful idiots and the limits of propaganda

US-backed Azov battalion crucifies and burns man alive in Ukraine
The Mark: Will You Wear This “Beast Tech” Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?
NASA May Have Accidentally Created a Warp Field